1. Again About Skaryna in Padua: New Possibilities of Reading the Old Documents. In Three Parts. Published in English and Belarusian in the Belarusian Review in Three Parts. Part 1. Time and Context / O. Shutova // Belarusian Review. – Winter 2014. – Vol. 26, no. 4. – P. 17–23; Part 2. Circumstances // Belarusian Review. – Spring 2015. – Vol. 27, no 1. – P. 23–28; Part 3. Attendees // Belarusian Review. – Summer 2015. – Vol. 27, no. 2. – P. 21–28.
Read in Russian: Шутова, О. И вновь о Скорине в Падуе: новые возможности прочтения старых документов. Время, контекст, обстоятельства, присутствующие.
Read in Belarusian: Шутава, В. Ізноў пра Скарыну ў Падуі: новыя магчымасцi прачытання старых дакументаў. Час, кантэкст, абставiны i прысутныя. У 6 частках / В. Шутава // Belarusian Review. – Winter 2014. – Vol. 26, no. 4; Spring 2015. – Vol. 27, no 1; Summer 2015. – Vol. 27, no. 2.
2. Once again on Francysk Skaryna’s portrait, or the importance of “reading” the engravings (author’s cut). (Published in Belarus, Minsk, with editor’s mistakes: Крынiцазнаўства i спецыяльныя гiстарычныя дысцыплiны. Рэд. О. Л. Лiпнiцкая, С. М. Ходзiн). Мiнск: Выд. Белдзяржунiверсiтэта, 2015.
This article shows certain results and perspectives of ‘in-depth’ reading of well-known documents (i.e. Francysk Skaryna’s portrait), discovering anew the details in Skaryna’s symbolism. With doing this, we hope to fill certain lacunas in biography of Francysk Skaryna. Various topics are studied: Francysk Skaryna’s portrait symbols, printer’s devices, Datia / Denmark problem, solar eclipse / Francysk Skaryna’s birthday. After the first attempts to evaluate Skaryna’s case in the context of the academic life and medical studies of Renaissance Europe (which allowed to identify certain personalities of his doctoral defense – like famous scribe Bartolomeo Sanvito linked with many Italian humanists, e.g. illustrious Aldo Manuzio)*, this article seeks to re-examine Francysk Skaryna’s auto portrait. Could we move further in understanding of the symbols of Skaryna’s portrait? Such investigation completes the canonical image of Francysk Skaryna, who often has been simplified as a singular Renaissance intellectual, “lost in translation” in Belarus. Obviously, Francysk Skaryna’s connections with the world of European Renaissance were much stronger than it was previously thought. Such names as B. Sanvito, G. van Ghemen, J. Veldener and possibly de W. de Worde, J. Lettou, P. Liechtenstein and others in connection with Francysk Skaryna, allow us to see Skaryna’s activity in the wider European context.
*See above the full text of this paper, Again About Skaryna in Padua: New Possibilities of Reading the Old Documents.
Read this article on Francysk Skaryna’s portrait in author’s cut (Russian): Вновь портрет Франциска Скорины, или о необходимости «читать» гравюры (оригинал статьи на русском в авторском варианте).
3. Culinary discourses of Belarusian nationalism: On “truly Belarusian cuisine” and “potato-eaters”. Published in: Gelinada Grinchenko and Tetiana Dzyadevych (eds.), East / West Journal. Neo-Anti-Colonialism vs Neo-Imperialism: the Relevance of the PostColonial Discourse in the Post-Soviet Space. Vol. 16—17.Kharkiv: The Kowalsky Eastern Ukrainian Institute, 2013, p. 235-256.
Read the original in English: Culinary discourses of Belarusian nationalism: On “truly Belarusian cuisine” and “potato-eaters”.
Read author’s translation in Russian: Кулинарные дискурсы белорусского национализма: о «настоящей белорусской кухне» и «бульбашах».
4. At the origins of all histories: problems of identity and otherness in (post)modern historiography. Published in: Ейдос / ΕΊΔΟΣ: Альманах теорії та історії історичної науки. Випуск 2, частина 1. Київ: Iнститут історії України НАН України, 2006. № 2. Р. 235-253.
Although this article was written over ten years ago, it could be still interesting to see “otherness” and “identity search” in today’s context (of current European and not only European concerns).
Read the original in Russian: Начало всех историй: проблемы идентичности и инаковости в (пост) современной историографии.
5. Historiography and postmodern: identity question in the second half of the 20th – early 21st centuries. Book. Published in Belarus, Minsk, 2007. 277 pages.
In some way outmoded and a bit “youthly-narcissistic”, this book nevertheless brings up the issues which seem to be directly connected to contemporary realities. Texts about the causes and “side-effects” of many “isms” – from postmodernism, deconstructionism, cultural turn, “discoursivity” and multiculturalism to all sorts of “the otherness” and the cult of the “Other” … – through the prism of the identity problems.
Read the original in Russian: Историография и постмодерн: вопрос об идентичности во второй половине ХХ – начале XXI веков. Монография. Минск: изд-во Белгосуниверситета, 2007. 277 с.
6. Parenting and childhood in contemporary Belarus. Published in the Journal of Psychohistory, 2011; Vol 39 (2), pp.145-52.
7. Authorised translations (from English and French to Russian)
Read in Russian:
- Jacques Revel, Le fardeau de la memoire (translation published with numerous editor’s mistakes and omissions, in Беларускi гiстарычны часопiс. – 2007, № 4). Read original Russian translation: Жак Ревель, Бремя памяти (авторизированный перевод без купюр).
- Rudolph Binion, European Identity. Published in Крынiцазнаўства i спецыяльныя гiстарычныя дысцыплiны. Выпуск 3. Мiнск, 2007. Read Russian translation: Рудольф Бинион, Европейская идентичность: исторические корни (авторизированный перевод).
- Marie-Elizabeth Ducreux, Construction de l’experience historique et tradition identitaire: le cas tcheque. Published in Крынiцазнаўства i спецыяльныя гiстарычныя дысцыплiны. Выпуск 3. Мiнск, 2007. Read Russian translation: Мари-Элизабет Дюкро, Конструирование исторического опыта и идентификационная традиция: пример Чехии (авторизированный перевод).// Крынiцазнаўства i спецыяльныя гiстарычныя дысцыплiны. Выпуск 3. Мiнск, 2007.
- Lloyd deMause, The Childhood Origins of the Holocaust, translation published with numerous editor’s mistakes and omissions, in Крынiцазнаўства i спецыяльныя гiстарычныя дысцыплiны. Выпуск 3. Мiнск, 2007. Read original Russian translation: Ллойд деМос, История детства и Холокост (авторизированный перевод без купюр).
- Francois Hartog, Temps du monde, histoire, ecriture de l’histoire, published in Крынiцазнаўства i спецыяльныя гiстарычныя дысцыплiны. Выпуск 3. Мiнск, 2007. Read Russian translation: Франсуа Артог, Мировое время, история и написание истории (авторизированный перевод).
- Joan Ringelheim, Women and the Holocaust. Антология гендерной теории. Ред. Е. Гапова, А. Усманова. Минск: Пропилеи, 2000. Read Russian translation: Джоан Рингельхейм, Женщины и Холокост: переосмысление исследований.